Token Distribution

1. Earn:

$CLAN is a tradable in-game currency which is given as gameplay rewards for improving players retention, provide an avenue and maintain traction for play-to-earn. You can also join in on a variety of special events, including tournaments and clan wars; potentially earning our token and also other in-game rewards!

2. Token Burn:

$CLAN is the in-game currency that players use to purchase assets and heroes in the game. Due to this mechanism tokens will be burned. It can also be used to upgrade them and perform other in-game activities.

3. Governance:

Crypto Clans is designed to have a player driven system, in which economy growth is a contingent upon our player base earning, spending and staking $CLAN tokens. Owning $CLAN enables a player to participate in the governance process through a decentralized organization with proposals and a voting scheme.

4. Staking:

Use your $CLAN tokens to earn more! Staking is a way for us to reward our community for having a long-term mindset and locking up their $CLAN tokens. By staking your $CLAN you will be able to earn $CLAN rewards when you lock up your tokens. Watch it rise in value as $CLAN inevitably conquers the free to earn game market.

Last updated